Thursday, November 1, 2007

One month today

Matt and I have found a natural rhythm to life on the road. It seems like we just left. Life on the road is not without its own stressors. Not knowing the territory, road systems, local culture with its unspoken rules and customs, and finding a place to call home for a day or two can be unsettling. Yet there are times when I feel a sense of pure joy while viewing the incredible scenic vistas, the natural wonders of the western landscape. Then there are times while driving long stretches of repetitive scenery that the Village Folk channel on XM radio adds a fun , nostalgic element to the experience. Yesterday we toured the Antelope Slot Canyon with a Navajo man as our guide. He was a bit irritable at first, but once I showed an interest in his talk and asked questions, he took me aside and showed me where to get the best shots and pointed out the various shapes. I'm sure it get tedious giving the same talk day after day. He was quite personable the rest of the tour. He kept saying stand over here, girl. I finally said to him: " How old are you anyway? He said he was 56. I kiddingly said: " I'm the same age." And I chided him when he said that he was old! We both have a lot of living to do yet! Hot air balloon festival is in town, Page, Arizona. I might just jump in one and take off! The freedom to come and go at will is totally freeing and exhilarating.
More later, Kare

